Practise good boiler maintenance and keep your boiler running in top condition throughout the seasons.
Annual Service It’s important that your boiler receives an annual service to ensure all is in order. As part of the guarantee it is often a requirement that your boiler be serviced. Money Supermarket suggest “September is a good time to arrange the service, so you can be sure your boiler can take the strain of the winter months”. A good call, however I’m sure you will agree we’ve not really seen a summer this year. We recommend booking your service as soon as possible to secure a date that suits.
Turning on your heating Give your heating a quick blast each day for 10 -15mins. If you don’t use your boiler regularly they can seize up. It’s important to keep the lungs of your boiler healthy.
Under Pressure, Cue Queen.. Overtime it is possible for boilers to lose pressure which can have an impact on its efficiency. Your manual should provide you with instructions on how to do this, however if you get stuck just give us a buzz.
Bleed your radiators If your radiator is a cooler temperature at the bottom than the top, this can be an indication of trapped air which would require the radiator to be bled. Boiler manufacture Ideal says “radiators that need bleeding prevent your heating system running at optimum efficiency and put extra strain on your system”.
Blue Flame A strong clear blue, is an indication that your boiler is working, not pregnancy. If, however the flame appears yellow or smoky, this could be a warning that something is not quite right. If so, please call into our office 0330 113 9488.
We understand boiler maintenance is not all our customers top priorities. Taking time to familiarise yourself with your boiler instruction manual can be timely and perhaps even daunting. It is for this reason being that at Glow Green we offer boiler cover so that you don’t need to even think let along worry about your boiler maintenance. With plans from as little as £6.00 in comparison to expensive repairs, it’s a small feat.