Today, smart home is already an industry of a considerable size and it is on a brink of a major expansion. We’ve tried to incorporate the most important smart home facts in an infographic, and here’s what we came up with. A couple of years ago the cumulative revenue of home automation products and services reached $20 billion per annum. It’s set to hit $59 billion by 2020, however, as it is with everything, we can only judge the true amount of something through comparison. Now, imagine the landrush of shopping-frenzy during the Black Friday in the USA. Somehow Americans manage to spend more than $59 billion in a single day!
Overall, the home automation market is in a good position. The search keywords related to this sector is increasing year on year according to Google Trends. Also, across the 7 countries where smart home is already a lucrative market, 78% of people are aware of the products and services and they think it’s a good idea. In the UK, 66% of people have heard about this emerging trend and consider it an appealing concept. At the same time 28% of respondents have said they would not be looking to buy any products. Recognition doesn’t necessarily translate into buying customers but it is certainly the first step in the right direction.
There are a few products that look like sales leaders and we’re talking about voice-enabled speakers. Almost 15 million units have been sold worldwide with majority of the sales occurring in the USA and just estimated 300,000 units sold in the UK so far. The sales volume is on par with robotic vacuums, which have also posted a 15 million sales volume. Smart home experts estimate that around 20% of all vacuums sold are now robotic.
Heating industry is not far behind. There have been 11,000,000 sales of Wi-Fi enabled air conditioners and 2,500,000 sales of NEST smart thermostats making those new boilers even more efficient. More about NEST and how it integrates with boilers, check it out here.
Nevertheless, potentially one of the biggest consumer market for the connected devices is smart light bulbs. There might be around 100 million bulbs in use by 2020. What can be even bigger than Wi-Fi mood-setting LED bulbs? Something that almost everyone uses. Yes, cars! There will be 152 million cars with internet connection on-board, that’s 55% of the whole population of cars.
It’s also important to note that some of the best-selling smart home gadgets have pretty good environmental credentials. For example, you can save 12% off you heating bill by using smart thermostats or 35% off your lighting bills if you implement Wi-Fi light bulbs in a smart way.
To keep things a bit less formal, we’ve also included smart home facts and trivia, so if you want some really smart assistance with maintaining your dental hygiene, scroll down and explore our smart home infographic: