Benefits of joining our Trade Network
Flexible Working
Set your availability via the NEP portal. You choose when you want to do work for us, to suit your schedule.
Excellent Rates of Pay
The Glow Green Trade network provides some of the best rates in the industry.
All Parts Provided
Glow Green provide the products and parts, delivered to site the day before installations. There is no wasted time having to collect parts in merchants.
Multiple Products
We install Boilers, PV Solar, Battery Storage, Air Conditioning, EV Chargers + Heat Pumps. Providing an opportunity to start earning extra money by cross training in new technologies.
Quick Payments
Once your submit the job forms via our portal, within 3 days of auditing we pay you.
Qualified Support
We have in-house lead engineers, electricians and highly training support staff that can offer you support.
Paperless Workflow
All work tasks are managed through our online portal (no download required). You complete all forms, signatures & photos electronically saving paper.
Grow Your Business
Take on as much work as you want, grow your business and increase your earning all year around